Sunday, June 29, 2008

What's in a Name?

Without question, there have been numerous memorable performances by individuals named Fernando:
  • This guy hit two 4-RBIers in one game.
  • This guy won a Cy Young and (apparently) is beloved by his fans.
  • This guy was a marginally effective 2nd-baseman (and hardworking to boot?)... and now he's on TV.
Above all, however, reigns this guy, who surprised many onlookers by scoring 24 P-ship goals to firmly justify his astronomical 26-million-pound transfer fee.

And, if a world-class EPL season weren't enough, he added a brilliant game-winning goal to push Spain to the Euro 2008 title.

Apparently, the chicks also dig him.

(Note: Will there ever be a better Fernando? This guy got knocked out by a pretty boy, and this guy has nice muscles but looks like he invented the term "dookie-poo".)

(Note 2: Slight variants on the name "Fernando," as can be found here and here, were not considered.)

1 comment:

Michael Orr said...

Don't forget about Fernando Rodney and the ABBA song, "Fernando."